The students had a lot of fun running during the Terry Fox Run yesterday. Today, the students learned how to start researching Habitat information online for their Science Posters.
Author Archives: learningwithmsweir
Group Math!
Shared Monster Writing!
Interactive Place Value!
The Best Part of Me!
Learning Skills!
Reader’s Theatre!
Suggestions for Success!
Welcome to Grade Four!
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
It is my pleasure to welcome your child to my grade four class. I feel both blessed and honoured to teach your child and look forward to ensuring your child is happy learning at school each day. Please feel free to visit this blog regularly for a sneak peek into our classroom. Please be sure to visit all the tabs in the menu regularly to learn more about Learning With Ms. Weir. There will be new learning videos and information about our classroom posted regularly.
Thank you for your cooperation and as always please feel free to contact me via email or phone with any questions or concerns.
Kindest Regards,
Ms. Weir